(Scripture: Luke 1:5-56 Key Verses 1:24-25; 37-38; 45)
“For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
Yesterday, we looked at the passage of the angel, Gabriel, sharing the good news to two women, Elisabeth and Mary. Today we want to look at the promises made to them and how they reacted to each other.
Promises made to Elisabeth and her son, John the Baptist:
• She would bear a son, he will be great, no wine or liquor.
• She will have joy and gladness.
• Many will rejoice at his birth.
• He will be filled with Holy Spirit while in her womb.
• He will turn back many of the sons of Israel to the Lord God.
• He will turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children.
• Turn the disobedient to the attitude of righteous to make a people ready prepared for the Lord.
Can you imagine having a child that would change the hearts of the people back to God!
Promises to Mary all dealt with her son, Jesus:
1. She would conceive and bear a Son, Jesus, Holy Offspring, Great, Son of the Most High.
2. The throne of David given to Him.
3. He would reign over house of Jacob forever.
4. There is no end to His kingdom.
Can you imagine your child saving the world!
How would all this happen?
Well, the Holy Spirit will come upon Mary and the power of Most High would overshadow her. When she went to Elisabeth’s house, she heard Mary’s greeting and her baby leaped in her womb. Elisabeth was filled with Holy Spirit.
What’s so neat about Luke’s writing was he let the Jews know events have been fulfilled among them that the original prophets handed down to them for years (Luke 1:1-5). It was happening right before their eyes. Not only that, but Mary's child came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10). Elisabeth and Mary’s sons bought forth some type of salvation message for both Jew and Gentle.
What do we learn from Elisabeth and Mary?
1. Both experience a trial. Elisabeth before the promise, Mary after the promise.
2. Both submitted to God’s will. Even though they submitted, both sons were martyred in the end.
3. Even though Elisabeth knew she was carrying John the Baptist, and was told all he would do, she acknowledged Mary as carrying “the Christ”. She didn’t say, “Well the angel, Gabriel, spoke to my husband first.” They both knew Old Testament prophecy, and Elizabeth said to her ( 1:42) “You, Mary are most blessed of women and your child will be blessed. ”
Why can’t we do that today? Treat each other higher than ourselves and speak well of their children and say nothing about our own for once? Have you ever been in a conversation with a female sharing something about your child, but she turns around and says something about hers? This is pride. Let’s embellish ourselves in someone else’s joy for a moment. This is what Elisabeth did. She didn’t talk about her husband or criticize him for not believing right away. She was excited for Mary! Can you be excited for your sister or friend? Let’s deny pride, jealousy, competition and embrace love, encouragement, and lift each other up as we celebrate what Christ is doing in our lives.
Holy Spirit allowed me to see these women in a whole new light. They just didn’t bring great men into the world by God’s sovereign choice; they demonstrated how to react when someone brings you good news, even when something good has just happened to you.
May we be just as graceful as Elisabeth and just as humble as Mary when God tells us what He is about to do in and through us.