- John 2:5 -
In this verse of scripture you find the story of The Wedding at Cana where Jesus, his mother Mary and his disciples were guests. When they began to run low on wine at the banquet, Mary tells Jesus "They're about out of wine." Jesus' reply to her was that it wasn't any of their business and that it wasn't his time to reveal His miracle working power (this being His first recorded miracle). But despite what Jesus said, Mary told the servants "Whatever He tells you, do it." It is apparent by Mary's reply that she had a very close relationship with her son Jesus. So much so that she knew whatever Jesus told the servants to do, it was in their best interest to do it. Mary had the FAVOR of God himself in the flesh (Jesus) living with her and she knew the answer to the question, "What manner of man is this?" A man who could turn ordinary wine into fine wine. A man who could say to the winds "Peace Be Still" and they would obey. I get excited about this because I recall a time just last year when the Lord told me to do something but being disobedient at first, I went left when he told me to go right. He spoke again and I followed His command and don't you know God moved in such a mighty way that when I share the full testimony with others, all they can say is "I KNOW that was God's FAVOR in your life." As a matter of fact I am still reaping the benefits from it.
If you are at a place where you are not hearing from God and His FAVOR is not manifesting itself in your life, here are some examples of things that may be hindering you:
1. You are not allowing enough time for God to speak to you. Many times we pray and ask God for things we want from Him but we don't allow time for Him to speak to us.
2. You are not close enough to Him. You aren't taking enough time in prayer, fasting, reading and studying His word. It may require you giving up something that has robbed you of your necessary food. Let it go.
3. You have your attention on other things. You have placed God on the back burner or on the shelf and only go to Him when you have an emergency in your life. He wants to be your Full-time lover. Make Him your #1 priority.
4. You want to hear something else from God. He has already spoken a word to you but because it's not what you want to hear, you ignore it and don't take Him at His word. In the words of Nike, "Just do it".
5. You don't understand what you are hearing from God. Take time to talk to God and ask for clarity in that thing. If He spoke it, He will make it plain.
6. Your ears are too dull of hearing. You have become out of tune with the Holy Spirit because you have allowed junk to creep in. You are engaged in too much T.V., too much social media (ouch), too many distractions that is deadening your senses. Your Spiritual senses.
7. Your heart is too hardened to receive His word. You were hurt before and scared to trust God for your deliverance so instead of giving Him a chance to mend your pain, you tune Him out completely and purposefully. That's nothing but a trick of the enemy. God can and God will!
The Lord gave me the scripture below about 2 months ago and I have it placed in 5 locations, around my house, my car and on my job, and now I know why. It is to remind me of the FAVOR of God and how real it is in my life.
Psalm 37:5 - "Commit thy way into the Lord; trust also in Him; and He SHALL bring it to pass." Whatever my "it" is, God WILL perform it (FAVOR).
My dear sweet Doves, may these words open up a door to your new found FAVOR in God operating in your life and may He manifest Himself as never before. Remember, YOU ARE THE WOMAN...BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED.